Located in CrossFit, 542 Morgantown St., Uniontown, PA 15401
Yoga for the Yough (Donation Based Class) – 6-7:15 p.m., Friday, July 8
An open-level, mixed - style class to help unwind from the week. Based in vinyasa flow, this class will vary in intensity but maximize the mind- body connection by turing our focus to the breath. Leave the week behind and reset yourself for the weekend! All - levels class. This class will generate heat - the radiant floor is maintained at 95 degrees. Proceeds will benefit the Youghiogheny Riverkeeper. Assists by Mandy Kushner.
Morning Slow Flow – 9:30-10:30 a.m. Thursday July 14 & 21
Slow Flow Vinyasa is designed for those looking for a less vigorous class than our power vinyasa class without loosing the energy and challenge. This class is not only therapeutic, but is also invigorating and rejuvenating. You will increase your flexibility and strength by moving slowly through sequences and holding postures for several breaths. At a slower pace, and in moderate temps, this class will move you through well-balanced sequences with grace, ease and awareness. All-levels class integrating full-body strength, balance, slow flow pacing and seated postures. The class is a warm 75 degrees to help the body ease into gentle flowing stretches.
Saturday Sun Salutations – 7-7:45 a.m., Saturday, July 16
Arise with the sun! This all - levels class explores the simplicity and the beauty of Sun Salutations A & B for a challenging, traditional 12 round sequence. This class also offers a gentle warm - up and cool - down, the perfect compliment to the sequence. The 45 - minute class is warm - not hot - perfect for beginners and experienced yogis alike.
Warm Moon Flow – 6-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 19
To honor the full moon, this class will take you through circular moon salutations around the mat with attention to fluid movement and deep breathing. Yin yoga will be incorporated.
Arm Balance Workshop – 9-10:30 a.m., Saturday, July 30
This workshop will explore the foundations (core strength, balance and open shoulders) for safely lifting into challenging, playful arm balances with integrity and correct alignment. Beginning with a warm-up that targets the core and stretches the shoulders, students will learn what it takes to approach classical arm balances with courage and mindfulness by using the breath. Crow, side crow, the eka padas, firefly, flying pigeon, and maybe even forearm stand and handstand will be broken down, step-by-step. Leave your ego at home, bring a light heart and get ready to delve into a lifetime of exploration that can take your practice to the next level! Assists by Mandy Kushner and LPS.
Yoga for Athletes/Team Training – available by appointment with Laura Patterson-Santore and Brynn
Train like a warrior! Custom strength and meditation training designed for competitive athletes. Boot camp sessions integrate movement, strength, balance and breath work to complement existing sport-specific training programs. The sequence is designed to address flexibility and proper alignment and is challenging for a wide range of abilities.
Available exclusively at CrossFIT U-Town or at the team facility. Integrated training - the perfect balance of fitness training and mobility training - with LPS & CFU also available. Contact LPS for customized session scheduling and pricing at [email protected] or 724-557-9206.
Private Sessions – available by appointment
Sessions include but are not limited to: Beginners, basics, arm balances, inversions, core strength, weight loss, stress relief, yoga for athletes, yoga for runners, breath work (Pranayama), meditation, mindfulness, slow flow, yin, restorative, power yoga, Ashtanga, chakra yoga, moon salutations, yoga for the injured and more! Email [email protected] to book.
Classes at Nemacolin Woodlands Holistic Healing Center:
Outside Summer Flow – 2-2:50 p.m. every Saturday in July except 7/24 (another instructor will be teaching that day)
A practice designed around sun salutations to honor the sunniest time of the year. Sun salutations are the pillar of vinyasa yoga, and in this class we explore variations of salutations from a variety of yoga traditions. Suitable for all levels. (Open to the public - $10)
Yoga for Stress Relief – 11-11:50 a.m., Sunday, July 10
Practice postures, breath work and meditation techniques that can transform the way you experience minor to major stressors and anxiety. (Open to the public - $10)
Yang Flow with Yin Cool Down – 3-3:50 p.m. every Thursday in July except 7/22 (another instructor will be teaching that day)
Begin with vinyasa style yoga to focus on building strength, flexibility and balance and finish with yin yoga poses which are held for one to ten minutes using an emphasis on the breath, deep stretching and increasing circulation. (Open to the public - $10)
Yoga for the Eyes (must be participating in the Longevity Retreat to take class)
Yoga for Longevity (must be participating in the Longevity Retreat to take class)
Private Sessions – available by appointment - call 866-344-6957 to book
Classes with Morgantown Running Store:
Group Run with Post-Run Yoga Flow and Cool down – 5:30 p.m., Monday, July 11
The run, led by Morgantown Running Store, begins at 5:30 p.m. The run is a there and back route on the rail trail behind the store and lasts for 45-50 minutes. Runners meet back in front of the store for a 30-minute post-run yoga. This short class includes intention setting, a call for a mindful connection that bridges the gap between yoga and running, and a deep emphasis on linking breath with movement. All levels of runners and yogis welcome! Class is complimentary.
Yoga for Runners Workshop – 12-2 p.m., Sunday, July 31
This workshop (two hours in length) will open with a vinyasa-style yoga flow practice lasting approximately one hour. It will begin with a dynamic sequence (designed to be performed pre-run as a warm-up) and move seamlessly into sun salutations that link strength-building exercises and yoga poses together to target muscles specific to running. The yoga practice portion of the workshop will end with a relaxing, cooling flow accompanied by longer-held poses aimed at releasing connective tissue and common tight areas in the body due to running. The second half of the workshop will incorporate myo-fascial release exercises using foam rollers and therapy tools. The workshop will end with guided meditation and breath work (pranayama) designed to enhance running performance. Participants will receive electronic copies of the workshop's running resources via email post-workshop and must bring their own foam roller and yoga mat. Workshop takes place inside Fit Factory, located to the right of the entrance to the main building where running store is housed. Meet in front of running store if you don't see Fit Factory on your right. Pre-registration required – email [email protected] for registration form. $20 fee; $15 for students.