- Running While Pregnant: Month Five (Weeks 18-22)
- Running While Pregnant: Month Four (Weeks 14-17)
- Running in the First Trimester: Gratitude & Playing the Edge
Last month, month six, was a transitional one for me in two ways.
First, I had my last run of this pregnancy during week 24. Each run began to worsen my emerging sciatica (shooting pain in the butt and low back area), symphysis pubis dysfunction (sharp pain in the pubic bone, as if the pelvis were separating) and round ligament pain (an achy, pulling feeling around the low abdomen and hip flexors). These three conditions, common in pregnancy, flared up with each run but remained the same (mild or non-existent) if I just walked. Further, when recovery, because of the three aforementioned conditions, began to require much more time than I felt was healthy, I knew it was time to slow down. And so I did. Now walking is what keeps me moving and feeling good!
Second, the iron-deficiency anemia issue that drug me down for months was resolved, and I was back to feeling ALIVE again! Walking and doing yoga, now my primary sources of fitness, have become easy and do not leave me feeling depleted. Nor do I need to nap before or after activity in order to complete it.
Thus, as I've done for the previous months, I give you a rundown of what I'm doing to stay fit as my baby grows. It is less about running now and more about walking.
December 2 was my birthday, and, appropriately, one of my last days of running. I ran those last few miles with a thankfulness for all the runs that baby number two and I enjoyed together and with a knowing in my heart that my first postpartum run will be that much more satisfying because of this short hiatus. Additionally, walking has become a moving meditation as I dedicate each one to the health of the baby and pray the rosary each step of the way.
Here is what month six held. I hope it inspires other fit mamas!
Week 23 (Nov. 28-Dec. 4): 4.05 mi of run/walking and one 3.26 mile walk
*Other workouts included: 30 minutes spinning intervals with free weight arm exercises; 25 minute walk; and 30 to 60 minutes of yoga every day
Week 24 (Dec. 5-11): one three-mile run, my last run of this pregnancy
*Other workouts included: 45 minutes of spinning with free weight exercises, jogging around the house, ab workouts and power yoga; 20 minute walk; two 4.5-mile walks and one 4.7 mile walk
Week 25 (Dec. 12-18): 19.44 miles walking (consisting of six days averaging about three miles each walk)
*Other workouts included: 40-60 minutes of yoga each day
Week 26 (Dec. 19-25): 19.22 miles walking (consisting of seven days of walking 1.58 to 3.4 miles)
*Other workouts included: 40-60 minutes of yoga each day
Week 27 (Dec. 26-Jan. 1): 13.88 miles walking (consisting of five days of walking about three miles each time and one hike of 1.78 miles)
*Other workouts included: playing in the snow for an hour with Avie; cross country skiing about 30 minutes; and 30-60 minutes of yoga each day
With our due date just around the corner, each walk and yoga session becomes a joyful reminder of the beauty of pregnancy. I cherish each prenatal yoga practice, a special reminder of the miracle within me, and of each walk, a special quiet, private time that I share with God and baby number two.
May moms everywhere find something that deepens their relationship to their baby. Here's to happy, healthy pregnancies, and the ability to handle the ups and downs with patience and grace.