Inside the triangle is a reconfiguration of the Om symbol to form the number 52, which has been reappearing in my race bibs, race times and in other ways since the death of my dad, deceased in 2013 and born in... 1952. Click to read more about that magic here.
And, finally, the yoga... the inhale posture is Urdhva Hastasana, or upward salute. The exhale pose is Uttanasana, or standing forward bend. Together they signify an uplifting movement directly to a calming one and then... off on the run! The yang action of the inhale and the yin action of the exhale create the balance that runners need "off the trail" to thrive within a healthy, sustainable running practice in order to happily rest, run, repeat!
Keep reading for the meaning behind Inhale, Exhale, Run, the words...
It's the filling up. The expansion of the soul. A sense of weightlessness. The infinite air that keeps you moving mile after mile. A great vastness within the mind that can only be reached on the run. An extension toward divinity, a higher plane, the spirit, the angels and the gods.
It's the surrender. The letting go of expectations, paces, mileage goals, races, the day's events, tomorrow's schedule and yesterday's heartaches. The air that empties out and readies itself for purity, for freshness. A great gratitude within the essence of one's being that can only be reached when setting out upon a run. A connection with Mother Earth, the land, our deeply wild instinct and our inherently good nature.
It's the action and interaction. A unity of of all things that define the inhale and the exhale. A generation of playful, peaceful, easy feelings which renders a smile upon each step.
A flow experience.
The run becomes the yoga.
And you become the run.
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