Running requires mental, physical and spiritual stamina. Will my mind quit? Will my legs give up? Will my spirit burn with enough passion to reach my goal?
These are questions I, and most runners, have encountered at one time or another. Such questions often present themselves during long runs, at the peak of a race, while running hills, in the midst of intense speed training or during a demanding race-training schedule.
Yoga gives us the tools to become a healthier, happier, more effective runner. These tools are meditation (visualization & mind training), asana (physical postures designed to make us stronger and more flexible), pranayama (breath work designed to enhance lung capacity, quell race anxiety, etc.) and recovery/injury prevention (physical poses designed to release tension, stuck connective tissue and chronic tightness in the body).
Does yoga completely prevent injury? No! But it does lessen the intensity and frequency of injuries and provide lovely physical therapy options. Will yoga make you faster? Maybe, if applied with the proper mindset (though I believe speed is mostly an inherited trait). Does yoga make you stronger? Yes. Does yoga prevent leg cramps? Probably! Do you have any other questions about how your yoga and running can become a perfect union? Do you want to learn more about yoga and it's relationship to running and vice versa? Then come to my two-hour Yoga for Runners Workshop (all levels of runners and yogis are welcome!) in March! Workshop description is as follows:
'This workshop (two hours in length) will open with a vinyasa-style yoga flow practice lasting approximately one hour. It will begin with a dynamic sequence (designed to be performed pre-run as a warm-up) and move seamlessly into sun salutations that link strength-building exercises and yoga poses together to target muscles specific to running. The yoga practice portion of the workshop will end with a relaxing, cooling flow accompanied by longer-held poses aimed at releasing connective tissue and common tight areas in the body due to running. The second half of the workshop will incorporate myo-fascial release exercises using foam rollers and therapy tools. The workshop will end with guided meditation and breath work (pranayama) designed to enhance running performance. Participants will receive electronic copies of the workshop's running resources via email post-workshop and are encouraged to bring their own foam roller.'
To sum up: I love running. I love yoga. I love racing (check out my Race History, aka my running street cred, what makes me qualified to teach this workshop!). Join me in March (details to be announced soon) as I share how these two passions can become one for you as well!